
stirring up one another to love and good works

for the women of Calvary E Free Church
Rochester Minnesota

Category: Home & Hearth

Closet ADD

Jill Swanson gives helpful tips on how to get your closet ADD under control with a brilliant Finders, Keepers, Losers, Weepers method.

Open door, open hearts

Dianne Orth enumerates the blessings of living a life of hospitality.

Soul gardens: a devotional

Cheri Hart writes about cultivating inward and outward gardens in our May devotional.

Mothers & daughters: a tribute to Darcy Johnson

Linnea Johnson shares memories and appreciation for her mom, Darcy Johnson.

Cultural conversations: gardening in the tropics with Philipa Jajata

Philipa Jajata tells Beth Ecker about the ins and outs of career gardening in Papua New Guinea.

Cooks of Calvary: kitchen memories with a slice of lemon pie

Kathy Bergquist reminisces about baking with her mom, aunt, and grandma and shares a delicious recipe for lemon pie.
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