stirring up one another to love and good works

for the women of Calvary E Free Church
Rochester Minnesota

Category: Cooks Of Calvary

For the love of…chocolate!

Katie Yager shares her favorite fudgie brownie recipe...and she's the queen of chocolate!

Cooks of Calvary

Bev Ford shares a sweet childhood memory and a simple cookie recipe.

Cooks of Calvary: Easy Christmas Rocky Road Fudge

Enjoy this sweet treat recipe from Karyn Grenz!

Cooks of Calvary: Cheeseburger Pie

Jerri Dee Flagge shares a recipe that became a family favorite during a challenging time in her life.
stir sourdough

For the love of sourdough

With her signature wit, Andrea Koch shares about her journey perfecting the art of sourdough bread making.

Book review: in defense of cookbooks

Jill Pearson shares her enthusiasm for cookbooks, including the vintage Calvary cookbook from the late 1900s!
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